Managing Sub-Technicians Details

Sub Technicians

Managing Sub-Technicians Details


The Sub-Technician Form allows you to efficiently add and manage details for sub-technicians working under a contractor. Accessible under the People tab, this form serves as a centralized hub for maintaining accurate information about your sub-technicians.

1. Add Sub-Technician Details

  1. Go to the People tab.
  2. Click on the Sub-Technician report.
  3. Fill in the required information in the Sub-Technician Form, including:
    • Name: Enter the sub-technician's name.
    • Contact Information: Provide the contact details for the sub-technician.
    • Contractor: Specify the contractor under whom the sub-technician is working.
    • Add any additional relevant information.

2. View Sub-Technician Report

  1. Access the Sub Technician report to view a list of all registered sub-technicians.
  2. Update sub-technicians information as needed by editing the existing entry.
  3. Customize the view by filtering the report based on specific criteria such as name, contact information, or contractor.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure accurate details to facilitate effective communication and coordination.
  • Leverage the contractor information to organize and manage sub-technicians efficiently.
  • Use the Contractor Bookings located under the Reports Tab to see the details of service bookings by Contractor.

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